II STEAM Education Congress

viernes , 31 marzo 2023


In the framework of the II STEAM Education Congress - STEAMEC 2022, the proceedings of the event will be published, which will compile all the academic abstracts in a document with ISSN. In addition, if the author is interested in publishing the article associated with his/her paper, he/she must agree with the editorial policies of the journal to which he/she is applying. This process will be carried out by the Editor of each journal and will be communicated directly to the corresponding author of each paper.

The Organizing Committee of the event invites you to submit your papers to the following journals: Revista Perspectivas, Revista Ecomatemático, Journal of Physics: Conferences Series, among many others.

Revista Perspectivas. ISSN: 2590-9215 (On Line)

It is a biannual international journal published by the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. The journal Perspectivas aims to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the area of Social Sciences and Education, on topics related to Education and Gender, Educational Inclusion, Educational Innovation and Management, Pedagogical Practices, Education for Peace and Post-Conflict. Papers submitted to the journal can be research, reflection and review papers, which are submitted in Spanish or English for subsequent peer review, subject to compliance with ethical standards, at no cost for processing.

Journal indexed and indexed by: DOAJ, Red Latino Americana de Revistas Acádemicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades LatinREV, Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico - REDIB, Google Scholar and BASE (Bielefeld Academic Search Engine) Semiannual and ISSN: 2590-9215 (Online) DOI: https://doi.org/10.22463/issn.2590-9215. For more information on the editorial process, please visit: https://revistas.ufps.edu.co/index.php/perspectivas.

Revista Ecomatemático. ISSN: 2462-8794 (On Line)

It is a biannual international journal published by the Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander. Ecomatemático aims to contribute to the dissemination of scientific knowledge in the field of Natural Sciences and Education, specifically in the areas of Mathematics, Physics, Computer and Information Sciences and Mathematics Education Sciences. Papers submitted to the journal must be research, reflection and review papers, which can be submitted in Spanish or English for subsequent peer review, subject to compliance with ethical standards, at no cost for processing.

Journal indexed and indexed by: Red Iberoamericana de Innovación y Conocimiento Científico - REDIB, Sistema Regional de Información en Línea de Revistas Científicas de América Latina, el Caribe, España y Portugal Latindex Bielefeld BASE Academic Search Engine, Directory of Open Access Journals DOAJ, Red Latinoamericana de Revistas Académicas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades LatinREV, CLASE (Citas Latinoamericanas en Ciencias Sociales y Humanidades) and Google Schoolar Semestral, ISSN 1794-8231 for the print version and ISSN 2462-8794 for the online version. DOI: https://doi.org/10.22463/issn.1794-8231. For more information, please visit the following link: https://revistas.ufps.edu.co/index.php/ecomatematico.

Where to send your article

The manuscripts prepared should be sent to Raúl Prada Núñez, e-mails: raulprada@ufps.edu.co, congressteameducation@ufps.edu.co until 20 June 2022.

Raúl Prada Núñez

STEAMEC 2022 - Chairman

E-mail: raulprada@ufps.edu.co